Tuesday 14 May 2013

Gluten Free Healthy Granola

My first recipe on this blog! Hopefully there will be many more (especially after exams have finished!)

For the last 2 months I have been gluten free, after a large binge of cake at my birthday party and feeling horrendously ill afterwards! I have found the transition from gluten to non-gluten pretty easy, replace my pasta, my porridge, my bread etc. and generally carrying on as usual (with a little less cake...). All was going swimmingly, and I even managed to slim down a little, when I was over my best friend's house the other day. She was telling me about her favourite breakfast of the moment - yoghurt, raspberries and granola. Ever since all I could think about is granola! The yummy, crunchy, sweet goodness which goes so well with yoghurt, milk, or just as a snack.

Now, I don't know if you have ever looked at the cereals in the Free From sections of supermarkets, but they don't have the best selection... You can basically only get cornflakes, oats and rice crispies. Not exactly inspiring... Therefore I decided that to curve my granola cravings and actually have yummy cereal, I would have to make my own. So that's what I did! 

So here is my recipe for Gluten Free Healthy Granola. P.s. to make it non-gluten free just use normal oats! 

2 cups of gluten free oats 
1/4 cup of chopped hazelnuts (or any other nutty/chocolatey/fruity item) 
1/4 cup of flaked almonds (ditto above) 
1/2 cup of raisins
1tsp cinnamon
4 tbsp oil (olive or otherwise) 
4 tbsp honey 
 1 egg white
splash vanilla essence

1. Preheat the oven to 180C and cover a baking tray with baking paper. 
2. Mix together the oats, nuts, raisins and cinnamon together in a bowl. 
3. Whisk together the egg white, oil, honey and vanilla essence. 
4. Add the wet mixture to the dry mixture and mix it together. 
5. Spread the mixture out onto the tray and cook on the middle shelf for 15 mins. Check the mixture isn't burning and give it a stir. Put back in the oven for another 15 mins until golden. 
6. Take out the oven and give it one last stir and then leave for 30 mins - this is important! if you just get excited and eat it straight away it wont be crunchy and yummy - I made this mistake... 
7. Eat! With yoghurt, fruit or milk :) 

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