Wednesday 29 May 2013

Gluten-free banana muffins

After my good friend and fellow blogger Rachel made banana and raspberry muffins I couldn't stop craving muffins! 
Weeks of researching gluten-free banana muffin recipes followed, but none of them seemed to be similar to your standard everyday yummy bananary muffin. FINALLY after combining some recipes I came up with a soft, squidgy and slightly healthy (ish) banana muffin recipe. And here they are! 

Some of them are topped with my healthy granola, which made a nice crunchy change but didn't freeze brilliantly. As I didn't want to eat them all at once (OK I did but my diet said no...) I put most of them in the freezer, and having recently defrosted one (fully, tried the fridge and the kitchen side and kitchen side worked best) and then chucked one in the microwave for 30 seconds and added a bit of vanilla yoghurt... I can safely say that they freeze well! But are best warmed in the microwave.

So! Here is the recipe for all you non-gluten eaters out there! If you are lucky and can eat normal flour, don't be tempted to just swap the rice and corn flour for standard plain flour as it probably wont work.. Instead try Rachel's recipe! Also for those of you judging my use of American cup measurements instead of grams, my scales broke and my student budget wont allow a purchase of new ones. Besides, cups are easier!

1/2 cup of caster sugar
1/2 cup of butter
2 eggs
3 bananas, preferably spotty or almost black
1 1/4 cups of rice flour (I used Dove's Farm)
1/3 cup corn flour
1 teaspoon of Gluten-free baking powder (e.g. Dr Oetker)
1/2 cup of raisins (or choc chips, chopped nuts, anything which takes your fancy!)
sprinkling of cinnamon (optional)

1. Soften the butter in the microwave for a couple of secs.
2. Cream the butter and sugar together with an electric whisk (or by hand if you're hench enough)
3. Add the eggs one at a time, whisking them in properly before adding the next. 
4. Mash the bananas (or wizz them up in a blender until mushy if you are lazy like me!) and add them to the mixture one by one, stirring until they are incorporated into the mix before adding the next.
5. Mix together the rice flour, corn flour and baking powder separately before sifting it into the mix bit by bit.
6. When the flour is all mixed in, stir in the raisins (or another addition of your choice) and a sprinkling of cinnamon.
7. Spoon into muffin cases and bake at 180 degrees until they are golden on top and a toothpick comes out clean, which should be after about 20 minutes depending on your oven. 

Serve hot with some ice cream or yoghurt or just on their own :) 

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