Sunday 31 March 2013

Friska at Rise - Queens Road


Rise was originally a vintage music shop, with records, DVDs, books and trendy vintage jumpers. Suddenly at some point the downstairs of this shop developed into an exciting new café! The café part of the shop is run by another Bristol company called Friska, who serve up yummy food from every nation and culture you can imagine. In their hot food section they offer up meals such as Louisiana Chicken and Chorizo Gumbo and Sweet Potato Sambar. For an alternative taste to the usual sandwich and slice of cake offered at other restaurants, the food at Friska is delicious, and you also get the opportunity to listen to the cool new music on offer in the shop upstairs.

Eating at Friska is not a usual café experience. You begin by ordering your food at the counter (often leading to queues out the door on sunny days!) and then go and find a seat at the huge long tables, which you will share with a few other people. At some point you will hear someone shout your name (I jumped, a lot) announcing that your food is cooked. As a tip I would say sit close to the place where they hand out the food so you don't have to do the picking-up-your-food-walk-of-shame completely red in the face as the entire restaurant now know your name! Also make sure you pick up an abundance of napkins, especially if you are having a wrap, as I made a complete mess of the very generously filled tortilla!

Definitely worth a visit for a bit of something different!

For food: 7/10
For atmosphere; 7/10

Check out the Friska website here:
Check out the Rise website here:

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